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Every day, Cameron House does important work for the Chinatown community, but we can’t do it alone. We partner with a diverse mix of schools, social services, city agencies and other faith-based organizations to share our knowledge, resources and relationships in ways that enable all of us to make a greater impact—together.
Get Help Now
If you or someone you know is being bullied, there are things you can do to keep yourself and others safe from bullying.
- USA Stop Bullying Government Website
- Resources to Fight Bullying and Harassment at School | Edutopia
- Bullying Resources for Educators and Parents
- Classroom Tool Kits – National Bullying Prevention Center
- Bullying Prevention Resources | Committee for Children
- Bullying Help: Resources and Partners | Learning for Justice
- United Federation of Teachers Anti-bullying resources
- The Not In Our School Resource Guide
- Bullying Prevention Training & Resources – School Environment (CA Dept of Education)
- Bullying Resources for Students and Parents
- Kidpower International
- Huckleberry Youth Programs
- Stop Bullying Government Website
Committee for Children Videos
- SF Women Against RapeConsent IS… / Consent IS NOT…
SFWAR crisis line counselors provide confidential support, information, and referrals. The SFWAR crisis line phone number is (415) 647-RAPE (7273) - Bay Area Women Against Rape
- How To Report Sexual Violence
- Report an Asian Hate Crime
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Fact Sheet: Sexual Harassment Discrimination
We collaborate with a variety of agencies in the San Francisco Bay Area to ensure that individuals in need receive the best possible assistance. These are just a few:
The API Council is a coalition of 57 community-based organizations that provide linguistically and culturally proficient services to Asian Pacific Islanders. Members provide a wide range of health and social services including job training and workforce development, legal services, mental and physical health, senior self-sufficiency support, youth development, affordable housing, and accessible childcare.
Founded in 1975, Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach (formerly Nihonmachi Legal Outreach) is a community-based, social justice organization serving the Asian and Pacific Islander, and other communities of the Greater Bay Area. With offices in Oakland and San Francisco, their work is focused in the areas of violence against women/family law, immigration and immigrant rights, senior law and elder abuse prevention, the rights of those with disabilities, anti-human trafficking, youth violence prevention, affordable housing preservation and tenants’ rights, and other social justice issues.
The mission of NICOS is to enhance the health and well-being of the San Francisco Chinese community. The coalition fulfills its mission through research, training, advocacy, coalition-building, and program implementation.
Today, NICOS Chinese Health Coalition is a public-private-community partnership of more than 30 health and human service organizations and concerned individuals. NICOS’ membership includes health care agencies, education- and faith-based institutions, housing and community development organizations, and child and youth development agencies.
Donaldina Cameron House and the Presbyterian Church in Chinatown are partners in the household of God as written in Ephesians 2:19-22:
Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.
Together, our household of God is built upon the work of generations of believers who have used the power of the gospel message to serve their communities in Chinatown, the SF Bay Area, and the world. As we have served in the past, we continue in the present, always open to the changing needs of our communities.
Emerging from the movement to end violence against women, the San Francisco Domestic Violence Consortium is dedicated to eliminating domestic violence and ensuring the basic rights of safety, self-determination and well-being to victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children.
A collaboration of nine Neighborhood Centers located throughout San Francisco have come together to learn from each other and seek funding for capacity building of our respective agencies. Through this funding we have so far been able to hire an HR consultant who works with all nine agencies on HR issues, including training staff regarding labor laws, supervision, sexual harassment, hiring, and interviewing. Other goals for future shared resource areas include IT circuit rider, media or PR development, and plant management.
Since 2001, San Francisco Neighborhood Centers Together (SFNCT) has convened Neighborhood Centers across the city to envision a community where the vibrancy and diversity of each neighborhood are celebrated, and where residents of all backgrounds have equal access to economic and social opportunities.
Annual Economic Statement
Community Restoration

Cameron House has a long history of providing support and shelter to sex abuse victims. In 1874, it was established as the Occidental Board Presbyterian Mission House with the mission of liberating Chinese girls and women from the slave trade and supporting their empowerment.
The need for healing surfaced again in 1987 when Cameron House’s former Executive Director, the Rev. F.S. Dick Wichman was accused of a long history of sexual abuse, misconduct, and molestation of boys and young men in the program. More info.
Additional allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior, misogyny, bullying, and toxic masculinity arose between 2008-2017 involving young adults. One particular allegation was investigated internally and resulted in the separation of a Youth Ministries staff person. More info.
Although such inexcusable behaviors continue to be far too common in today’s society, Cameron House is committed to addressing these issues directly and vigilantly, no matter how difficult it may be. This is consistent with our organization’s mission and values, and we believe it is critical to prevent future harassment and abuse.