What Are Summer Leaders Up To?

July 10, 2020

Although leaders can’t work with youth this summer, they’ve been logging on to Zoom and staying engaged through exciting new programs at Cameron House! While we miss teaching games, doing cookouts together, and going camping with you all this summer, our high school leaders are staying active in two brand new programs: a Guest Speaker Series and a Peer Counselor Training program. However, the leaders still miss the familiar faces of campers and can’t wait to see everyone again! 

One new program is the “Alumni Guest Speaker Series,” where high schoolers meet new Cameron House alumni every week and learn about that person’s job and career. So far, we’ve talked with lawyers and doctors, but future weeks include businesswomen, entrepreneurs, and performing artists! After they hear from the guest speaker, the leaders get into discussion groups to explore what they heard, ask questions, and reflect if that career interests them. It’s been so fascinating to hear about all types of jobs, and what it takes to get there! 

The other program is for our Summer Interns, who are experienced veteran leaders that interview to become interns. Although they won’t get hands-on leadership development and teambuilding practice this summer, the new Peer Counselor training program is teaching them equally valuable professional and personal skills. We’re so happy to have SFUSD counselor Joan Martin train our interns over the course of six weeks. They’ve been working on listening skills, learning how to create a non-judgmental and safe space, and building up their empathy “muscle.” The latest thing they’ve been practicing is identifying emotions in clients, whether it’s something they can see (Stacy is angry!) or something hidden (Stacy is angry because her best friend betrayed her and shared a secret). By the end of the training, our interns will put their Peer Counseling skills to use at Friday Night Club, school, and even with their friends! 

If you know a high school student who’d be interested in the Guest Speaker program, please contact Rachel Ng, Youth Leadership Development Programs Director, at <rachel@cameronhouse.org>. Enrollment is on a rolling basis and the program is free.