Help the AAPI Community Now | 立刻幫助亞太裔社區

Help Stop Violence Against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders


Cameron House stands with our Asian American staff, volunteers, alums, and supporters during this incredibly challenging time. With the rise in hate crimes fueled by racist rhetoric related to COVID-19, we are devastated by the surge of violent, racist attacks that are being perpetrated against Asian Americans around the country and in the Bay Area.


Read the letter of solidarity we signed with Asian Americans Advancing Justice’s Atlanta Chapter & Georgia NAACP. Available in Chinese (中文), Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt), and Korean (한국어).

閱讀我們與亞特蘭大美國亞裔正義推進會(Asian Americans Advancing Justice’s Atlanta Chapter)和佐治亞有色人種協進會(Georgia NAACP)簽署的聲援信。有中文、越南語(Tiếng Việt)和韓語 (한국어)版本

NICOS Chinese Health Coalition has created and launched the AAPI Community Health and Safety Resource Hub to provide online linkage to community-based resources that address the holistic needs of those who want to prevent and/or who experience or witness anti-Asian hate (crime reporting resources, victim services, mental health support, and racial justice/ allyship information).
NICOS Chinese Health Coalition 三藩市灣區預防與應對反亞裔仇恨的資源中心

Anti-Asian violence is often underreported, if you or anyone you know experiences an anti-Asian attack, please report it at | Keep up with them on Instagram at @stopaapihate

針對亞裔暴力事件經常被漏報,如果你或你認識的人遭遇到針對亞裔的攻擊,請在 報告。| 在Instagram上與他們保持聯繫:@stopaapihate

Learn more about how to advocate for others with virtual Bystander Intervention Training offered by the Asian Americans Advancing Justice Chicago chapter. Register for an April 2021 workshop here.


If you don’t feel comfortable leaving the house alone and would like a chaperone or would like to become a chaperone, dial 311 and ask for a Community Ambassador safety escort. Learn more here.


Chaperones are also available in Oakland through a volunteer-run organization called Compassion in Oakland. Request one or volunteer to become one here.

在屋倫,你可以通過一個名為 “Compassion in Oakland “的志願者組織尋求陪護服務。請在這裡尋求陪護或自願成為一名陪護者。

Contact Cameron House at (415) 781-0401 or for assistance.
